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Education in the Eastern Caribbean


Research shows a close correlation between educational attainment and the economic performance of a country. Indeed, the experiences in the last decades of fast-growing developing countries have provided concrete evidence that sustained growth and social stability have been achieved primarily through a properly educated and skilled workforce. Notably, every country including developed economies, has placed a priority on achieving internationally recognised educational benchmarks focusing on mastery of core competencies in literacy, numeracy, science and technology. The work of the Education Management Unit has involved a considerable amount of valuable knowledge-sharing and direct technical assistance exchanges among Ministries of Education.


OECS Education Sector Strategy
The main purpose of the OECS Education Sector Strategy (OESS) 2012–2021 is to guide the educational directions and priorities of Member States of the OECS. The OESS is not an action plan but it provides the framework for the development of an OECS Action Plan for education and will be used by the Member States to align their national Strategies and Plans.

It is strategic, results-oriented and concentrates on learner outcomes. Further, the OESS is designed to ensure an approach to the development of and investment in education that will assure measurable, sustainable outcomes for learners and education systems across the region.
  1. Improving participation, especially among disadvantaged groups, in early childhood education.
  2. Extending opportunities for post-secondary and tertiary education to a broader cross-section of the population.
  3. Establishing standards of practice and performance in teaching and learning which are aligned with international best practices.
  4. Adapting to a curriculum content that better reflects the knowledge and skills required for a dynamic and technologically driven global work environment.
  5. Instituting cost-effective solutions to the delivery of the education service.
  6. Initiating teacher recruitment, retention and professional development policies.
  7. Creating opportunities for the greater involvement of the private sector in the delivery of quality education.
  8. Strengthening the policy and regulatory framework.
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Multiple projects are currently being implemented in the area of health in the Eastern Caribbean by the OECS Commission through its Health Unit along with Ministries of Health in the OECS Member States and international agencies.

Among the projects which were recently developed by the OECS Commission are:


  2. OECS DECI - Digital Education Capacity Strengthening Initiative 

  3. OECS Giga 

  4. OECS Regional Integration Teacher's Resource Book 

  5. Guidance Counsellors Handbook 

  6. Kolibri Platform

  7. Academic Recovery Programme 

  8. OECS School Health Protocols 

  9. OECS Global Digital Library 

  10. OECS Education Statistical Digest

  11. The Early Learners Programme

  12. OECS Education Sector Response to COVID-19

  13. empoWEr: COVID-19 Response and Recovery 

1 - OECS PEARL - Program for Educational Advancement and Relevant Learning Experience 

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The OECS PEARL is a four-year program that seeks to advance progress towards the goals of the OECS Education Sector Strategy (OESS) through increased access and improved student learning in basic education. With its vision “A quality education for every child”, the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) will help optimise education systems so that all children can learn, including those marginalised by poverty, ethnicity, disability and displacement, and puts gender equality at the heart of what the partnership does and how it operates (GPE 2025).

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2 - OECS Digital Education Capacity Strengthening Initiative (DECI)

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OECS Digital Education Capacity Strengthening (OECS DECI) Initiative is a project supported by UNICEF and USAID to improve the delivery of Education from kindergarten to Grade 3 in the OECS. The project aims to deliver 1500 curriculum-aligned high-quality lessons/units in the core areas of English Language, Mathematics, Social Sciences and Natural Sciences, and to train both teachers and school leaders in strengthening their abilities to leverage technology in Education. DECI came into existence after an agreement was signed between UNICEF and USAID in April 2022.

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3 - OECS Giga

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OECS Giga is a global initiative  "to connect every school to the internet by 2030" This project was designed by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and International Telecommunication Union in 2019. Giga has grown since it launched as it was showcased in the United Nation Secretary Genera Common Agenda which looks at the next 25 Years of the United nation's vision of the future of global cooperation. Giga was also part of United Nations roadmap for Digital Cooperation signifying how important it is for every child to be connected to the world wide web

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4 - OECS Regional Integration Teacher's Resource Book

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A guide to Regional Integration (Regional Integration is about Building Together) in the OECS.

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5 - OECS Education Sector Response To COVID-19

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Coronavirus is an enemy to the OECS Education System, causing the closing of schools and the social distancing between students and teachers. In these times of crisis, OECS has created a strategic response with several initiatives to mitigate the impacts of Coronavirus.

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6 - Kolibri Platform

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OECS Kolibri is an open-source educational platform that provides offline access to a wide range of quality, openly licensed educational resources. It is designed to meet the teaching and learning needs of the OECS Teachers and Students to provide quality and personalised digital classroom experiences. 

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7 - Academic Recovery Programme

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The Academic Recovery Programme (ARP) was created by students of the OECS Member States: Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines who were struggling with their schoolwork during the COVID-19 pandemic. The program aimed to support students who had limited access to learning or difficulties in learning during and after COVID. It focused on important skills like math, reading and social skills. 

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8 - OECS School Health Protocols

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The OECS Health protocols are rules and regulations for each of the life cycles that students follow. From 1) Planning School 2) First Day at School Daily Protocols 3) Weekly Protocols 4) Monthly Protocols and 5 Learning Adjustments. These guidelines help schools know what to do to keep the student and teachers healthy and safe from diseases. 

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9 - OECS Digital Library

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The Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Commission Global Digital Library is a digital platform and hub that houses resources for K-12 learning and manages teacher capacity development, knowledge management and professional training. OECS Digital Library is part of the broader strategic objective of the OECS Commission to develop a digital learning ecosystem that supports lifelong learning throughout the Member States.

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10 - OECS Education Statistical Digest

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OECS has published yearly Statistical Information on the Education called "Education Statistical Digest" ranging from Early Childhood to Tertiary level of Education among Its member states.  Highlighting the trends in our education and guide for policymakers, planners, researchers and other people for effective decision-making, programme planning, evaluation and monitoring

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11 - The Early Learners Programme

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The Commission has partnered with USAID towards support for the OECS Early Learners Programme (ELP). The ELP entails improving reading among early learners.  The project scope is to contribute to the overall improvement in student learning at the end of the primary education cycle.  The objective of the ELP is to improve the reading achievement levels of all learners at the early primary level (Grade K to Grade 3) in the six (6) independent Member States of the OECS. Achievement of the desired objectives is based on the premise students can achieve substantially higher in the early primary grades if their reading attainment level is improved.  Implementation of the ELP is from March 2015 to March 2019.  

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12 - OECS Education Sector Response To COVID-19

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Coronavirus is an enemy to the OECS Education System, causing the closing of schools and the social distancing between students and teachers. In these times of crisis, OECS has created a strategic response with several initiatives to mitigate the impacts of Coronavirus.

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13 - empoWer: COVID-19 Response and Recovery 

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The initiatives within the OECS Education Sector Response Strategy to COVID-19 “Empower” are designed to assist educators and parents in being the change agents for the youths. They reflect best practices and are new, more supportive, learning methods and structures.

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Resources On Education In the Eastern Caribbean


Programme Director- Education (this will also be updated soon


Rafer Gordon
Project Manager 
Tel: +1 (758) 716-8633


Tyler Darcheville
Programme Assistant
Tel: +1 (758) 285-2697


Germain Anthony
Senior Technical Specialist
Tel: +1 (758) 285-0716

Royston Emmanuel
Senior Technical Specialist 


Ralmore Richardson
Regional Grants Coordinator - PEARL 


Ashley-Loren Johnson-Cherubin
Senior Administrative Assistant 

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